Lesson Two
Arabic symbols & their uses
َ Fathia - This is the symbol that stands on the top of the alphabet that carries it. It adds "ha" to the alphabet that carries it e.g بَ pronounces "ba fahia ba"
ِ Kesror - This is the symbol that is under the Arabic alphabet that bears it. It adds "hi" to the alphabet, for example; تِ pronounces as " Ta kesro ti"
ُ Domma - This is another symbol that stands on top of the Arabic alphabet that carries it. It adds "hu" to the alphabet that carries it. For instance; جُ pronounces as " Jim domma Ju"
ْ sukuun - This is another symbol that stands on the Arabic alphabet that carries it. It adds "short hi" to the alphabet that carries it. For example; دْ pronounces as "Dal sukuun d"
ً Fatihataen - This is a double stroke symbol that stands on the top of the alphabet that carries it. It adds "an" to the alphabet that carries it. E.g تً pronounces as " Ta fatihataeni Tan"
ٍ Kesrortaeni. - This is another double stroke symbol that stay beneath the Arabic alphabet that bears it. It adds "In" to the alphabet that bear it. For example; تٍ pronounces as " Ta kesrortaeni Tin"
ٌ Dommataeni - This is the Arabic symbol that stay above the Arabic letter that carries it. It adds "un" to the alphabet that carries it. For instance; بٌ pronounces as " Ba Dommataeni bun"
ّ Shadda - This symbol stands on the top of the Arabic alphabet that carries it. It is use for emphatic stress on the the alphabet.
Arabic Alphabets Image Lesson One : ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن و ه لا ء ي . Transliteration Alif Ba Ta Tha Jim Ha Kha Dal Dhal Ror Zain Sin Shin Sord Dord Tor sor Ain Gain Faf Qorf Kaf Lam Mim Nun Waw Haw Lam-alif Hamzat Yah . These are the thirty alphabets for the beginners in Arabic study . A student of Arabic must memorize them for better understanding of Arabic text . Once you can...
Arabic symbols that simplify the reading of Arabic text.