Information about jins Allah says (and He created the jinn and mankind only to worship) The jins see us but we do not see them because Allah has made a membrane in the eyes of man so that we do not see them because if we see them we might die of fear or become blind because of the shock. Their sight is really terrifying . They always live around us and there are 3 types of them : Elifrit These ones have the ability to transfer things from one country to another and they are used by witches and sorcerers Alkhabal These are the freaks of the jin and they disturb man such as wearing their clothes, eplilepsy and so on Ghilan They appear in form of man,cat, dog, donkey, or any animal. Generally? All of them are weak and they flee when they hear Surat Yassin, muawadhatein, or surat baqarah. Therefore I advise you dear muslim brother or sister; 1. When you change your clothes say bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, so that they don't see your nakedness. 2. When you sleep, sleep on y...